Wheel of the Year • Litha •


Wheel of the Year • Litha •


Ritual Herbal Salt Soak • Litha (Summer Solstice) • June 21/22

The Summer Solstice blesses us with such abundance! We are surrounded by the colorful bloom of Mother Nature's gifts, bathed in the Longest Light of the year, filled with the promise of Harvest. Take time to reflect on the beauty of the Fullness of this busy season.  Add 1/2-1 cup of this magical, mineral rich mixture to your bath and let Elder's ancient Healing Love, and protective spirit fortify you.  Allow the cleansing, purifying, life-giving power of Cedar  to wash over, and through you.  Breathe deeply the gentle, loving "Knowing" of yourself that Rose offers and let her bring you the calm peace of holding your Boundaries with love.  Blessed be.


for Bath: Add 1/2 - 1 cup under the running water as you draw your nice, warm bath. If you don’t have a good drain strainer, use the muslin bag (included) to contain the salt and herb mixture—we like to tie it to the faucet so that the water runs through it as your tubbie fills. Then tie it up and drop the whole kit and caboodle right in!

for Foot soak: Add about 3 tablespoons to your foot basin, pour warm water over (as hot as you can manage without being uncomfortable!), swish it around with your feet. Consider using a muslin tea bag or piece of fabric to contain the herbs if you don’t have a good drain strainer to pour it through when you dispose of it.

Ingredients: Sea Salt, Epsom salts, organic Elder flower, Northern White Cedar, organic Red Roses.

10 oz in reusable 12 oz glass jar

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